Review for Cardo Freecom 1+ – Rider-to-Passenger Intercom

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The additional feature of the Freecom 1+ from its predecessor Freecom 1 is the rider-to-passenger intercom capability. The Freecom 1+ can be paired up with non-cardo Bluetooth intercom as well. The intercom range with other models is limited to the distance of the unit with the shorter range so in this case, likely the Freecom 1+ is the limiting unit. 

Pairing – So far, I have only paired with it with another Freecom 1+ and not tried with other brand’s. Pairing is easy and there is no need to repeat the process once two units are paired. 

Audio Sharing – The users can also share music with another paired unit. When I was riding two-on-one bike with my partner, we were able to listen to the same music on the ride. It takes only the press of one button to start and stop the intercom amidst whatever we are listening to.

Sound quality – Voice is crisp and clear. Wind noise is minimal and takes attentive hearing to take notice. When I called my partner on the phone, it took me some time to realise he was actually riding and speaking to me via the Freecom 1+. On the intercom, there is a noticeable but negligible millisecond lag. It gets choppy whenever we were riding near industrial areas and construction sites. 

My partner and I still use the intercom function even when we are two-on-two bikes. We can hear each other in close proximity when stationary and riding up to 8 metres line in sight although it is not built for that. Bear in mind that the Freecom 1+ is built for only rider-to-passenger, not rider-to-rider communication, 

If you already own an existing Bluetooth intercom system, the Freecom 1+ can also be a cheaper addition to get for a non-riding partner who often comes along as a pillion. The Cardo Freecom 1+ is available for S$199 at Chong Aik Int Pte Ltd

Chong Aik International Pte Ltd
Helmets and Apparels Showroom
45 Desker Road, Singapore 209576
Phone:(+65) 6294 2532
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Open:Mon-Fri: 09:00am-06:00pm / Sat: 09:00am-05:00pm
Close:Sundays and Public Holidays
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